Eco Shepherd is a social enterprise with the mission of amplifying uptake of sustainability in SMEs. With offices in New Zealand and India, Eco Shepherd is currently supporting its mission through: Saffron Footprint, sustainable and ethical textile product sourcing from India; Gold Leaf, a trusted reseller of luxury accessories; and Going Green™ NZ’s first B2B green marketplace dedicated to green-forward office and workplace supplies, being piloted in the South Island of New Zealand.

SAFFRON footprint

The Saffron footprint is Eco Shepherd’s living wage, eco-sourcing initiative out of India. Eco Shepherd has an office and logistics team in New Delhi (India) dediated to running SAFFRON.

With exporting and importing credentials, The SAFFRON team sources competitively priced ethical and sustainably made products from india. Our mission is to make sustainability more accessible and economically viable for businesses, particularly small to medium enterprises (SMEs). The SAFFRON team has experience in sourcing and producing natural textile high-end homewares and garments. Our supply partnerships in other categories are also expanding.

Going Green™

Going Green is an initiative by social enterprise Eco Shepherd, on a mission to stamp out the commercial conundrum that pits climate change concern and willingness to be more sustainable against the “green premium” - the difference in cost between a product designed and produced to minimise impact on nature and an alternative that isn’t. Since most businesses are unable to absorb higher costs that would result in a hit on profits, the Going Green Just-in Time model cuts out traditional middlemen and sells by the carton (rather than individual units) to get prices down to comparable or better than lesser sustainable equivalents for business customers.

 “If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.”

African proverb