Sustainability Advisors

It is now commonplace for large companies to have in-house sustainability advisors, but the headcount of small to medium enterprises is usually stretched to its limit, with little room for extra people, or adding extra responsibilities onto the existing team. This is where Eco Shepherd can help, to bring your sustainabiility plan together.

Bring in one of our sustainability advisors for 2-3 days to help pull your plan together into a prioritied list of actions, set up your tracking measurements, and get staff following through. Then follow-up with 1-day every month or two months to keep the focus going and measure progress.

Drop us a line to see if we can help or sign up for one of our workshops.

Sustainable Sourcing (India)

SAFFRON footprint is Eco Shepher'd’s ethical sourcing initiative for textiles and textile-based products out of India; prinicpally developed to support Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in their transition to green.

Eco Shepherd is an exporter from India with strong logistics support on the ground there through our New Delhi office headed up by Rajinder (Raju) Singh Negi. As a social enterprise, we are able to keep MOQs low, and our prices cost competitive to mass-produced or less ethical/sustainable alternatives.

Keeping ethical and sustainable sourcing prices comparable to SMEs current supply chain is an essential part of SAFFRON’s mission. The prerequisite for SMEs to transition to a sustainable business model must be economic viability.

Studies indicate that cost is the main reason most often cited by SMEs for not transitoning to green (or putting together an action plan to change), yet most SMEs don’t know if going green will increase or maintain their current cost levels. SAFFRON footprint takes away that uncertainty.

SAFFRON footprint aims to help India’s artisans and textile workers rise up from extreme poverty. We ensure that workers and artisans across our supply chain network are paid the equivalent of India’s Minimum Wage up to Living Wage, which can be up to 2.7 times more than Minimum Wage in their district.

Our team in India are also available to support your packaging or labelling needs for products produced through SAFFRON. In textiles, we have a roster of partners providing ethically produced, naturally dyed linen and cotton, and women-only sewing and high quality Cut Make Trim (CMT) services with zero waste.

Tell us your requirements for potential sourcing textiles, as we may be able to help.

Sustainability Workshops

Our 1-day workshops (in-house or mixed groups) on how to produce a practical action plan for transitioning to ethical and green. These workshops make it easy for Small to Medium Enterprise (SME, 5 - 100 employees) owners, management and/or marketers to turn good intentions into practical action plans that can be started today, without major disruption to your current business model. Attendees can also tap into our various sustainable sourcing networks.

Eco Shepherd workshops are designed to be highly creative and participative while giving you the tools to accelerate the transition to green and know how to embed purpose-led culture in your brand experiences. We help businesses understand and measure your current carbon and environmental footprints, make practical individualised action plans with financial business case and timelines for the next 5 to 6-years, and give you confidence to implement, track, re-measure, and communicate progress.

Workshops are moderated by Eco Shepherd’s founding director, Carolyn Managh who has created workshop programmes over many years, for a diverse range of clients including UN Environment, Unilever UK, eBay UK, Kelloggs UK, Channel 9, and Department for Social Services Australia.