TREND: Refill Revolution

Despite the product form of refillable packaging being popularised in the haircare market in Japan, Europe and America since the 1990s, the world of refills is still in relative infancy for most other sectors. Brands are working through issues like capital costs of physical refill stations versus shipping refill packs to customers; developing cost effective systems and packaging for the shipping and returning of refills; managing active ingredients; and getting the price notably lower than the reusable receptacle - essential for widespread customer conversion. Nonetheless, refillables are in the top 5 packaging trends for 2024. They are a key driver for slashing global plastic pollution by up to 80%, according to the United Nations.

One of the biggest challenges for refills is ensuring that the packaging is more environmentally friendly than its reusable master. For example, stand-up pouches made from soft plastic will be lighter for freight but use only slightly less plastic as a plastic reusable bottle, as frequently seen in the laundry category. Some refills are simply the same receptacle just without the pump (which isn’t recyclable) - marginal environmental impact to say the least.

In the past 12-months, refillable packaging has stepped up its game, with innovation around ensuring the refill vessel has no petroleum-based plastics, is recyclable and biodegradable. Otherwise, the refill is just replacing the original packaging in landfill. The global goal of zero plastics in landfill drives this trend. Sectors like food, drink, household products, cosmetics and personal care are leading the way in the transition to refillable and reusable packaging models.


Sourced from Seaweed

