Thoughtful, witty, and well-researched, PenguinKind is a comprehensive book to guide you through the hundreds of small lifestyle changes required to live safely and sustainably in the new normal. You will be surprised at how easily it becomes second nature to use a safety razor instead of disposable alternatives, measure laundry detergent rather than free-flow pouring, time your showers, make your own condiments, think outside the gift box, transform used coffee grounds into a face scrub, wrap gifts with your own art, and make sorbet from browning bananas.

Peppered among the chapters are stories about penguins and their quirky ways by marine biologist, Thomas Mattern. As the indicator species for ocean health, penguins are represented in this book as the ambassadors for all wildlife, to remind us that we are on a treacherous path and must take action to get off it.

Proceeds from PenguinKind will help fund scientific research and conservation tracking through the Global Penguin Society.

Penguin photograhy by Richard Robinson. Illustrations by Milan artist, Andrea Tarella