It is not just wildlife at risk of extinction. Small businesses and rural communities are vulnerable to the devastating impacts of extreme climate events as much as penguins and sea turtles.
— Warren Buffett

What is Going Green™

Mission: 70% of South Island businesses have 70% green end-to-end operations by 2030.

We understand that sustainability needs to be a win-win, so Going Green was created to provide direct access to bulk, sustainable office and workplace supplies at prices comparable or better than less sustainable equivalents. Your business can realise tangible value benefits, without increasing your costs, and nature doesn't take another hit.

Going Green is a social enterprise on a mission to stamp out the commercial conundrum that pits climate change concern and willingness to be more sustainable against the “green premium” - the difference in cost between a product designed and produced to minimise impact on nature and an alternative that isn’t. Since most businesses are unable to absorb higher costs that would result in a hit on profits, the Going Green Just-in Time model cuts out traditional middlemen and sells by the carton (rather than individual units) to get prices down to comparable or better than lesser sustainable equivalents for business customers.

Going Green is being piloted with the 150,000 SMEs based in the South Island of New Zealand; starting with the 50,000 businesses in the lower South Island (Dunedin down to Stewart Island). The platform will then be rolled out to the rest of the South Island, and then the North Island.

Wrapped around the B2B online marketplace is an on-the-ground trade marketing programme, which includes product education, product sampling and trialling, monthly informal focus groups, quarterly mini trade shows, advocacy through industry representative associations, and Buyer training to guide in the planning and implementation of going green.

Going Green™ is not about eco perfection, accreditations, or counting emissions. We’re about making it economically viable for as many businesses as possible to integrate green into their end-to-end operations.

Visit Going Green at

Going Green™ Goals

Matching nature with nature

70% of South Island businesses (approx. 150,000) have end-to-end operations 70% Green by 2030.

Going Green™ Vison

A supplier cascade that makes it easier for thousands of companies, particularly SMEs, to pivot towards a nature-positive world.

How Going Green™ works

  • Going Green™ revenue model is a small 3% sales commission on all transactions through the marketplace. We also charge an annual membership fee to both Buyers and Sellers. These fees enable us to support a curated marketplace with product category exclusivity for each Seller, rather than driving a volume-based model that requires maximising the number of sellers. Also, member fees help fund the in-region trade marketing team, initiatives and education.

    For Buyers, the membership fee is based on size of business; (1-25 employees $95, 26-50 employees $195, ≥ 51 employees $295).

    To find out more details, contact us on or call 021-302-170)

  • Sellers must demonstrate a strong commitment to product stewardship, taking responsibility for minimising the product's environmental impact throughout all stages of its life cycle, including end of life management. Seller businesses must demonstratively enable at least three of the following:

    o    Chemical Free

    o    Landfill waste reduction/elimination

    o    Nature-first solutions for single-use items

    o    Nature-first solutions for uniforms, staff kit & brandable merchandise 

    o    Solutions to reduce or eliminate plastic, micro-plastics, plastic packaging

    o    Solutions to enable reuse, refill or repair of products

    o    Nature-first alternative to fossil fuel applications or use

    o    Solutions enabling greater use or access to naturally sourced energy

    o    Low impact manufacturing on surrounding environment

    o    Solutions for low impact end-of-life to avoid adding to landfill

    o    Manufacturing powered by renewable natural energy

    o    Reduced use of virgin or high impact raw materials 

    o    Reduced or Respectful use of natural resources essential for environment

    o    Low impact solutions for staff work commute and travel

  • Going Green™ aims to provide a comprehensive product range that enables the majority of business - across a breadth of industry sectors - to transition their general day-to-day operations, staff commute, staff workwear and kit, marketing & merchandise, sales, and office management, to green. At this stage, the Going Green™ product range will not include manufacturing materials or supply chain products specific to individual sectors e.g. farmers, construction, engineering.

    Product categories include:

    o    Food and drink (staff, event & festivities catering)

    o    Cleaning & Bathroom

    o    Transport & staff commute

    o    General equipment & supplies

    o    Workwear apparel, kit & apparel merchandise

    o    Energy & waste management

    o    Office supplies

    o    Marketing & merchandise

    o    Staff engagement & entertainment

  • The Going Green™ B2B marketplace provides businesses with heavily discounted best-in-class green products and solutions from local, national and international Sellers actively involved in leading positive change across multiple sectors and industries.

  • A major part of this initiative is educating businesses on 1) what green end-to-end operations looks like for a business, 2) green options available, and 3) Going Green™ proposition that they can opt into green products and solutions at comparable prices to non-green equivalents.  To support this, we have Going Green™ ED,  1-day workshops (in-house and mixed) and ½ day coaching blocks, both co-funded by NZ’s Regional Business Partner Network.

    Going Green™ ED is our educational and marketing platform designed to make it easier for prospective customers to learn about the latest in green products and solutions by Seller; product backstories, how they work, and who are the businesses behind them. Sellers are encouraged to work with Going Green™ ED to develop opportunities for potential buyers to try, better understand and experience their green products/solutions.

    ED Live: inspirational talks by people doing really cool things in the green space.

    ED mini tradeshows: in-region mini pop-up trade-showcase with live interactive displays, demonstrations and trialling. Located at drawcard venues or at the big influential businesses in the region (e.g. KiwiRail manufacturing base in Dunedin)

    ED informal focus groups: regular morning teas with small groups from target market, discussing buying behaviours, buying quantities, new innovations, seller recommendations, feedback on the marketplace.

    ED bootcamps (2 hours): free in-region sessions (mixed businesses and sectors – everyone welcome) where members and non-members get practical advice on how to go green

    ED eNewsletter: informative (yet never dull) editorial content, emerging trends, special deals from Sellers, big wins for the region, new partnership for the region, and details on upcoming ED live events and ED mini tradeshow

  • The Going Green™ 1-day workshop will set your business up with the simple building blocks and a phased Going Green™ action plan. This workshop will show you how embedding sustainability across the full breadth of your logistics, operations and supply chain can genuinely build revenue, and how the transition doesn’t have to increase your cost base

    There are two workshop formats:

    1) mixed with a range of participants from businesses & sectors

    2) in-house workshop up to 25 members of your staff

    To find out more, click HERE, email us on or call on 021-302-170

  • Going Green™ members have access to discounted half-day coachinig sessions by one of the Going Green™ team leaders, virtually or in-house at your premises, depending on the size of your business.

    The purpose of these sessions is to fill in any knowledge gaps (e.g. alternative green solutions available, green grants and financing), support the business in self-assessments and progress measuring, guide the development of building blocks for green, help make connections to potential green suppliers relevant to your sector, advise on emerging and new regulations, help craft/review messaging to customers, and any other support you may need in your Going Green™ journey.

    Coaching helps businesses avoid potential pitfalls, mitigate risk, keep focus, build momentum, and turn sustainability into a revenue growth opportunity.

BENEFITS (for Sellers)

  • Only B2B sales platform dedicated to green products and solutions

  • Sales are “pushed” to your business

  • High brand penetration in one region

  • Access to the entire region for testing innovation and new products

  • Great brand storytelling opportunities with the natural backdrop of South Island

  • Low cost-per-acquisition for new customers

BENEFITS (for Buyers)

  • Access to heavily discounted prices typically only accessible to giant businesses

  • Makes going green simplier and economically viable

  • Simplifying your purchasing into a centralised system

  • Competitive advantage for your business (particularly for early adopters in the region)

  • Easy visibility of and access to green products and solutions

  • Futureproofing your business

  • Improve your credentials for pitching or contracting out services

Dark clouds hang over our heads

As Earth’s temperature rises, it is impacting extreme weather across the planet. Record-breaking heat waves on land and in the ocean, drenching rains, severe floods, years-long droughts, extreme wildfires, and widespread flooding during hurricanes are all becoming more frequent and more intense.

Human actions since the Industrial Revolution, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, have caused greenhouse gases to rapidly rise in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases increase, they act as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. In response, Earth’s air and ocean temperatures warm. This warming affects the water cycle, shifts weather patterns, and melts land ice — all impacts that can make extreme weather worse.

NASA’s satellite missions, including the Earth System Observatory, provide vital data for monitoring and responding to extreme weather events. NASA concluded that 71% of the last 504 extreme weather events were found to be made more likely or more severe by human-caused climate change. Numerous, highly credible sources indicate that all the risks from these events will continue to escalate the more the planet warms.